Homework 2.0: The science behind homework and why it still matters in the AI age!

Illustration by Rajashree Rajadhyax I recently came across an article about how teachers are coming up with methods to distinguish between homework done by students and that done by AI. This effort by teachers is not without cause; a recent case in Massachusetts saw a student penalized for using AI in their history paper, highlighting the need for such measures. I found it intriguing and couldn’t help but reflect on this shifting trend. Homework! Does that word bring back memories? The race to finish it as fast as possible so you could finally go play! Holidays would’ve been so much better without it, don’t you think? I know I felt that way, and I’m pretty sure you did too. And let’s not forget those classmates with endless excuses for not doing it. The most common one? “I wasn’t feeling well!” 🤒 Some would even throw in a few coughs just to make it believable 😏. I was that kid on the opposite end. Just before a holiday, I’d be sneaking in some homework during lunch break...