Staying Connected: With Humans or AI Companions?

The Need to Balance the Use of Technology and Real-World Relationships Image generated using ImageStudio This morning I read an article from MIT discussing the growing concern about addiction to AI companions and thought of sharing it with you. As new technologies emerge, so do worries about their potential misuse, overuse, and impact on our lives. While some fears are unfounded there are some that are rooted in reality. One such concern that we should all be aware about and take seriously is addiction to the new technology. In one of my previous articles I had compared different AI companions and their potential to be great chat companions. This technology can prove to be a boon to those who are suffering from loneliness. Today, however, I wish to discuss the other side of the coin - the risk of over indulgence or dependence on them to the extent that they become addictive. The newer generations are already becoming more and more socially disconnected because of their attachmen...