Passing the mantle of 'Flagship AI use case'

The mantle of being the ‘flagship AI use case’ seems to have passed to the two month old ChatGPT. This title was held by the autonomous car for a long time. ChatGPT is a text generator. It takes one sequence of text (what you type) and generates another sequence of text (its response). Because of its training, this appears to be a conversation; as if you have asked a question and ChatGPT has replied. Within five days of its launch, ChatGPT acquired one million subscribers, something that took Facebook ten months to do. ChatGPT is being tried by everyone. Industry leaders, eminent professors, writers and celebrities are all asking questions to ChatGPT and coming out impressed. They are then writing about it, thus fueling a storm of popularity. Meanwhile the autonomous car, the outgoing flagship of AI, is losing its charm. For around 10 years, self-driving vehicles occupied a slide in every presentation on AI. They used to be one of the use cases cited in most business articles on AI or ...