ChatGPT's code generation will not impact IT industry

Many of my conversations in the last few days revolved around ChatGPT. This is hardly surprising, given the impact the model from OpenAI has created. In particular, most people seem to think of ChatGPT’s ability to generate code as a big game changer or a big threat. Here I beg to differ. The importance being given to the code generation capability of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT is a classic example of vividness bias. In short, vividness bias describes the tendency of the human mind to ascribe more importance to phenomena that appear sensational. Airplane accidents attract a lot of attention, but in reality they are responsible for a very small percentage of accidental deaths. Coding is a very small part of the IT industry. A small percentage of people employed in the IT sector actually do any significant amount of coding. Let me explain how. I will restrict myself to India, as I know this industry. First of all, almost 80% of the people employed in the IT sector work ...