
Showing posts from May, 2018

AI in computational biology

(This article is a reproduction of the lectures I have given in Engineering Colleges in Mumbai, for students and faculty) In a previous article, I have suggested the DTOP (Data-Technology-Objective-Possibilities) framework (see analyse AI use cases in a company. Today I am going to use the same framework to explain some applications of AI to Computational Biology(CB). In this article I will focus more on the data aspect. There is a reason. Biological data is probably the most important kind data for us. However, very few engineers have a good understanding of this data. I will be very happy if this article encourages some engineers to study biological data in detail. Understanding and experience with this data will become a much wanted skill in near future. Let me first put CB use cases in DTOP.   Data : Biological data is of many types. I will mention three major types here and explain one ...

4 hints to get started with AI in your company

  Most companies are working on Digital Transformation today, and Artificial Intelligence is a critical part of that transformation. Two questions immediately present themselves- 1.    What is Digital Transformation and how it is different from the IT/ICT transformation that is happening since for than four decades? 2.    Why is AI a critical part of this transformation? Let me take the first question. Digital Transformation is actually a cognitive revolution. It is a more humanlike way of making sense of the world around. And this is our clue to the most important difference between IT and Digital- ‘IT systems are not humanlike. They don’t try to make sense of the world around them. They create a small world of their own and everyone follows the rules of that world. The input has to be given in the way they demand and output will be available in forms that they prefer. You better fall in line. Digital, or Cognitive systems would want to fit ...