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Showing posts from March, 2016

Building Commonsense in AI

It is often debated that what makes humans the ultimate intelligent species is the innate quality of doing commonsense reasoning. Humans use common sense knowledge about the world around to take appropriate decisions, and this turns out to be the necessary ingredient for their survival. AI researches have long thought about building commonsense knowledge in AI. They argue that if AI possess necessary commonsense knowledge then it will be a truly intelligent machine. We will discuss two major commonsense projects that exploit this idea: Cyc tries to build a comprehensive ontology and knowledge base of everyday commonsense knowledge. This knowledge can be used by AI applications to do human-like reasoning. Started in 1984, Cyc has come a long way. Today, OpenCyc 4.0 includes the entire Cyc ontology, containing 239,000 concepts and 2,093,000 facts and can be browsed on the OpenCyc website - . OpenCyc is available for download from Source